As a mom who is
in to food I found that I was on the borderline obsessed with feeding my child
properly. It is my job as a parent to make sure that my kid gets the best
nutrition possible. I have to talk myself down sometimes because no matter what
my expectations are a kid is a kid and most kids are a real challenge when it
comes to eating. As a newborn I breastfed, I knew it was the best that I could
offer. As he grew into solid foods I made all of his baby food, I felt really
good about it. I knew exactly what was going into my child’s body and how it
was being made (safely). Then we moved into finger foods and he was more
feeding himself then me feeding him, which went well, some days better than
others but he was still pretty open to most foods new and different. Now he is
a toddler, 3 in fact, and things are a bit more challenging. Although I realize
the struggles are not really about the food but more about his stage of
development it makes it hard as a parent who really cares about what their kid
is eating when the only thing he will eat is crackers for days on end and won’t
touch things he used to love. There are endless bananas in my freezer because
what was once a “guarantee he will eat this” food he won’t eat anymore and I
just hate to throw them out (they will be good for baking among other
mutations: smoothies, yogurt popsicles, etc.). Aside from, this there are
countless other obstacles that come along with feeding a child. As I am sure I
am not alone in this I am happy to say that I am a part (or at least a few of
my recipes) of a fantastic book on this exact subject. If you find yourself in
need of some help with the challenges of feeding you kids check it out. I use
it all the time!!! Available at
Food Fights: Winning the Nutritional Challenges of
Parenthood Armed with Insight, Humor, and a Bottle of Ketchup